History of HCI, Input Devices and User Interfaces
google scholar link: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=BXCGQXwAAAAJ&hl=en A great researcher in HCI is HRVOJE BENKO, his work revolves around haptics, VR and AR, projection room interaction and input devices. He is the current director of research in Facebook Reality labs Research. He is very active in many fields of VR and HCI as he publishes regularly over the years. The paper I want to present is about weight perception in VR using pseudo haptics techniques to simulate weight for the user: http://www.
Human 3D Pose Reconstruction
This lab is about reconstructing joints and displaying them on a video working with different camera angles and therefore transformation matrix and camera intrinsic parameters
Unity3D plateformer, playing around with some basic mechanics
Goal here is to create a 3D plateformer, animate it, give it some personnal flavor (home made music for instance)